Whiteley Primary School
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Our JRSO team do lots of great things to highlight the importance of road safety. As well as creating informative posters to put up across the school, they update the JRSO noticeboard and conduct interactive assemblies to KS1, KS2 and Year R.
Thank you to our brilliant team of Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs), who presented an assembly to Y5 and Y6 this week as part of Road Safety week.
They reminded children why it is important to make yourself very visible in order to stay safe near traffic, as well as introducing our Time To Shine day for the WHOLE SCHOOL on Friday, where children will be invited to wear something bright on their outer clothing, e.g. brightly-coloured coat or hat or a reflective keyring etc.
They will also be judging the Time To Shine poster competition and the parking banner competition (see the ‘competitions’ tab for more details!).