Whiteley Primary School
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Art is not what you see, but what you make others see’
Edgar Degas
At Whiteley, the children will be inspired by a wide range of artists from diverse backgrounds and are given the freedom to create and follow their own ideas. They will become artists, stimulated by their knowledge of architects, sculptors, fashion designers, landscape artists and printmakers. They will have the opportunity to compare and contrast the work of these artists and be given the tools to ask questions and talk about art. Children will be given opportunities to develop and practise skills using a variety of medium, improving their mastery of these skills and techniques.
In Year R, Art is taught through the “Expressive art and design” element of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. The children have ongoing access to creative opportunities and resources through the continuous provision. Staff also work alongside children to develop skills, move learning on and expose them to a range of stimulus.
From Y1 to Y6, the Art curriculum at Whiteley Primary is based on the national curriculum objectives for Art and design. These objectives are organised into learning journeys with an emotive stimulus or experience, such as trips, stories, music, visitors and events. This stimulus allows the children to respond creatively. Learning in art is purposeful and relevant and uses high quality resources. Cross-curricular links are used to enhance the context of the art curriculum, making it more meaningful. Each year group delivers three high quality Art and design teaching and learning experiences. Sketch books are used as a personal record and journey of their artist experience.
In our Art and design curriculum, children have the opportunity to learn and practise skills discreetly. Key skills and vocabulary are revisited again and again with increasing complexity in a spiral curriculum model, allowing pupils to revise and build on previous learning. Previous learning and next steps are including in planning in order to support progression. At Whiteley, we are fortunate to have wonderful school grounds. This provides the children with alternative stimuli and opportunities.
In art lessons, we aim to support students in learning how to make their own choices so that their outcomes are unique and personal, and children are actively involved in the experimental process. There are opportunities to work both collaboratively and individually. Children are involved in the process of Health and Safety allowing them to identify risks and learn ways to minimise them to become more independent and to work more safely in their practical art and design work. Children’s art work is celebrated through whole school displays, parent open afternoons and sharing of sketch books