Whiteley Primary School


Physical Education (P.E) at Whiteley Primary School

At Whiteley Primary School, our intention is to provide a high-quality PE curriculum that is accessible by all and inspires all pupils to succeed in physically demanding activities, in and out of the school environment.  We provide lessons, using the GetSet4PE scheme, that cater for different learning needs and abilities whilst setting expectations that all children can achieve and aspire to.  We link what is taught to the science curriculum to ensure the children are aware of the impact physical activity has on their body and allows them to make positive decisions about their health.  We provide the children with lessons built on skills development, consolidation of skills in isolated tasks/drills and application of skills in a game scenario to help embed what they have learned as well as developing the values of sportsmanship, competition, fair play, respect and determination.  Our vision is to inspire children to continue their interest in a range of different activities to continue through their education but also outside of the school environment into adult life.

In Year R, PE is taught through the ‘Physical Development’ element of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. The children have on-going access to physical opportunities through the continuous provision in the outdoor classrooms; focussed teacher directed activities to develop gross motor skills (e.g. daily Activate sessions and use of the NHS Gross Motor Skills pack); as well as weekly PE sessions on the all-weather pitch (developing their use of small equipment) and regular indoor PE sessions which help to develop their co-ordination and balance through taught gymnastic and movement lessons.

In Year 1 to Year 6, the curriculum for physical education at Whiteley Primary School is based on the objectives set out in the National Curriculum. These are organised under the headings of gymnastics, fitness, dance and games, with an additional focus on swimming and outdoor pursuits which are catered for in specific year groups or on residential trips in Year 4 and Year 6.

Each week, every year group has two PE lessons usually comprising an outdoor games lesson and either gymnastics, dance or fitness.  In all lessons, skills are planned progressively, building on prior learning. In Games lessons, children are taught skills which are practiced individually/in pairs/small groups, then applied within a games and/or competition context.

Gymnastics, dance and fitness rotate each half term.  Where possible, dance lessons are linked to the year group learning journey to give a context for the knowledge and skills taught (e.g. In Year 6, the children learn about Ancient Greece in history.  As part of their dance topic, they prepare and perform an interpretive dance routine linked to the story of Theseus and the Minotaur.)  For gymnastics, the children use both the floor and apparatus to perform different movements to develop their flexibility, balance, power, strength and mental focus.  In fitness lessons, the children build upon their prior ability and learn the impact this has on their health and well-being.  The children, in both gymnastics and dance, learn to complete a range of skills and movements with the end result of performing to an audience.

In Year 5, children attend a six-week block of swimming lessons.  The children are taught to swim competently and confidently, with an expectation of swimming at least 25 metres unaided, using a range of different strokes.  They also take part in achieving a water safety self-rescue award and a water safety aquatic skills award.

Physical Education Curriculum Overview