Whiteley Primary School
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Young Carers
Here at Whiteley we are committed to supporting all of our children, including our Young Carers.
Who is a Young Carer?
A Young Carer is someone aged 18 or under who helps look after a relative who has a condition such as:
- A physical disability
- A learning disability
- A long term illness
- A mental health condition, or misuses substances or alcohol
If you think that your child may be a Young Carer, please contact the designated lead Mrs Elshaw via the school office on 01489 881601.
What things does a Young Carer do?
A Young Carer takes on additional responsibilities. A Young Carer might be providing the main care or share responsibilities with another family member. The caring task can range greatly from:
- Giving medication or helping with mobility
- Washing, dressing, feeding
- Listening, supporting a relative through depression, being there to talk to
- Washing, shopping, cleaning
- Paying bills
- Helping look after a sibling
How do we support Young Carers at Whiteley Primary School?
- There is a designated lead teacher responsible for the well-being of Young Carers
- A notice board for children to find out information about Young Carers
- A notice board for staff to help them identify a Young Carer and give them guidance on how best to support them
- A lunch time Young Carers group once a week for children to come and chat, meet other Young Carers, do their homework etc.
- A letterbox/worry box where children can post their concerns or questions if the designated lead teacher is unavailable.
- A full time Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)
- Access to the school nursing team
- A referral system to the charity group KIDS
The Young Carers Group
- Will always respect each other and listen to each other carefully
- Will not laugh at or make fun of other children’s reasons for being a Young Carer
- Will not talk to others about other people’s personal/private information
- Will support each other
- Will create a welcoming environment