Whiteley Primary School
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Year R
Emergency 3-day Home Learning Pack
In Reception, we follow a play-based curriculum with short focussed activities with an adult during the day. At home, we would therefore encourage you to have short focussed times with your child to focus on key skills but to allow plenty of time for play and exploration, allowing your child to follow their own interests. There is no need for a set timetable.
Details of all suggested learning activities can be found in the folders on the top left hand side of this page. Select the relevant half term to access the current suggestions.
- For each day, choose from the suggested activities. There may be a link to follow to a relevant learning website. Some of the materials will be directly for the children – there may also be videos which help you as a parent know how we teach aspects of the curriculum in school so that you can best support your child at home.
- Many of the suggestions will be practical, but there may be written activities to complete – if your child has their home learning book at home then please use this to record the activities. If not, a piece of paper will do.
- There is NO expectation to hand any remote learning work in.
- We would encourage daily practice of reading, phonics and counting activities. Don’t forget to access BugClub with your child.
Please also check our Year R blog for information about our current learning: (https://whiteleyyearr.blogspot.com).