Whiteley Primary School

Personal Development Learning (PDL)

What is PDL like at WPS?

We want to prepare our children to be happy, safe, well rounded successful adults who are physically, emotionally and socially stable young people.  By reducing barriers, valuing diversity and equipping them with skills to be good citizens we are supporting the whole child.

At Whiteley Primary School, PDL is an important part of our broad and balanced curriculum. PDL is a holistic term that includes

  • Personal, Social and Health education
  • Relationships and sex education
  • Citizenship – including Rights Respecting Education (RRE)
  • Sustainability
PDL helps to develop children’s self-esteem and emotional well-being. It helps them to form and maintain positive relationships with others, based on mutual respect, preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
Please use the menu on the left to find out more about the PSHE curriculum, Rights Respecting Education, and Relationships and Sex Education Policy at Whiteley Primary School.