Whiteley Primary School


Welcome to the Whiteley Governors

Welcome to the Whiteley Primary School Governor page. Below is some information about the role of the school governor and an opportunity to learn a little more about the people who volunteer to fulfil these roles. Within Whiteley this is done through 3 main groups. One is the full governing body which meets twice a term and covers many of the statutory elements of the governing body. We adopt a corporate governance model which means that no one governor is fully responsible for any element of the work of the group or school.

The curriculum group focuses on the learning aspects of school life; links with year groups and performance are essential to understand the effects of policy on the progress of the students. They also help with aspects like the parent / student questionnaire and feeding into school strategic planning.

The resources group looks at aspects of budgeting, premises, health and safety and general infrastructure which helps keep the school running.

If you have any questions on or for the governing body please contact the office who have a range of ways in which to get in touch.

The Governing body of a school is responsible under the education act 1986 for the following:

  • Take general responsibility for the conduct of the school
  • Share responsibility for the curriculum with the local authority and the Headteacher.
  • Participate in decisions about the school’s budget
  • Offer the Headteacher general principles to follow in determining a policy on discipline
  • Share in the selection of staff and, if necessary, their dismissal

The Governing body is made up of different ‘types’ of Governors.

These are:

  • Parent Governors, elected by parents of children at the School
  • Staff Governors (including the Headteacher)
  • LEA Governors nominated by the Local Authority
  • Co-opted Governors appointed on the basis of skills or experience


Meet our Current Governors

Rebecca Backhouse

Co-opted Governor

Term From: 18 November 2020

Term To:      17 November 2024


Curriculum Committee

Safeguarding Governor (Co-Lead)

Year 4 Link Governor

I was elected as parent governor in November 2020. I have lived in Whiteley with my husband and two children for 5 years. My eldest started reception at Whiteley Primary September 2020 and my youngest attends nursery in Whiteley. When choosing a school for my eldest I felt I shared the values of the school and was impressed by the learning environment in particular their outdoor space.

I have a background in secondary education, and have spent the past 7 years working for Hampshire children’s services. In my professional role I see the vital part schools play in supporting the wellbeing of children and hope to be able to contribute to this within my role as governor.


Laura Bilbie

Co-opted Governor

Term from:  7 September 2022

Term to:      6 September 2026


Curriculum Committee

Year R Link Governor

I was co-opted as a governor in September 22. I have lived in Whiteley with my husband and two children for 7 years, after relocating from Manchester. My eldest started reception at Whiteley Primary September 2017 and my youngest in 2019 having both attended Whiteley Preschool.  We chose WPS for our children due to the ethos, the environment and surroundings and how well established it is.

I have a background in outdoor education and early years.  I am currently the Childcare Manager at Whiteley Preschool, where I have worked for the last 5 years.  In my professional role I follow the EYFS which supports our children to transition to school, and as Yr R Link I hope to be able to contribute to the continuity of this within my role as governor.

Maggie Coombes

Maggie Coombes

Co-opted Governor

Term From: 27 March 2021

Term To:     26 March 2025


Curriculum Committee

Development & Training Governor

Safeguarding Governor (Co-Lead)

Year 2 Link Governor

Pay & Performance

Management Committee

My husband, Brian, and I moved to Whiteley a few years ago and I have been involved with the school as a volunteer helper since my grandchildren started school and as a Governor since 2013.

My background is in education and I have always been passionate about children’s learning. I was Deputy Head of an infant school in Southampton until my retirement and since then I helped to run a play centre at Southampton University Hospital which was staffed by volunteers. I was also involved with the Baby and Toddler group in Locks Heath which sadly had to close because of Covid.

In the Governing Body, my roles at present comprise of Safeguarding Governor, Year 2 link Governor, Training and Development Governor and I sit on the Curriculum Committee. Whiteley Primary School gives its children a well rounded education that is fun and full of exciting opportunities. It’s a great school and I’m proud and delighted to be a part of it.

Simon Ede





Co-opted Governor

Term From: 27 November 2020

Term To:     26 November 2024


Curriculum Committee

Year 5 Link Governor

Pay & Performance

Management Committee

It’s hard to believe but I’ve been a governor since 2007 when my daughter was in Year 1. She’s now been at Henry Court for a few years already and Kieran leaves Whiteley this year.  I became a governor originally to support the school and the community of Whiteley and to have the opportunity to gain an insight into the running of a school and the issues it faces.  I can honestly say that working with the school on a regular basis makes you realise how hard the staff work behind the scene to make Whiiteley Primary School the success it is.  One of the most enjoyable elements of being a governor is having the opportunity to listen to the children talk about their lives as Whiteley Pupils and how we can improve as a school.  One of the most interesting questions we ask is what they would change if they were Mrs Pennington for a day…….you can guess the responses.

Frances Gallagher

Co-opted Governor

Term From:

Term To:


Curriculum Committee

I am a Co-opted Governor who joined the school community in 2021 and have been a governor since 2022. With my extensive teaching experience and a passion for creating an engaging and relevant curriculum, I am committed to contributing to the growth and development of our school.

As a teacher since 2003, I bring a wealth of knowledge and insights to my role as a governor. Being a parent of two children, I understand the importance of providing a nurturing and supportive environment for our young learners.

One of my primary responsibilities as a governor is being a part of the curriculum committee. I have a particular passion for mathematics and strongly believe in making it engaging and relevant for all students. My goal is to help every child, and if possible, their parents as well, see the practical applications and relevance of maths in their daily lives.

I am also committed to continuous learning and development. Attending various governor training courses has allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of our school’s inner workings, which I then try to apply to maximise our impact as a governing body.

I look forward to continuing my work as a governor and making a difference in the lives of our students

Charlie Henderson






Co-opted  Governor

Term From:

Term To:


Curriculum Committee

Year 3 Link Governor

I was elected as a parent Governor is September 2022.  I have lived in Whiteley since 2004 and have two children at Whiteley Primary School. The values of Whiteley Primary School really resonate with me and ensuring it’s a place to SMILE.Professionally, I have a background in healthcare analytics and business intelligence and a particular interest in staff development and hope to use these skills in my role as part of the governing body team.

Lisa Ireland 






Co-opted Governor

Term From: 18 July 2018

Term To:      17 July 2022


Resources Committee

Young Governors Link Governor

I have lived in Whiteley since 2013, and now live here with my husband and little boy who attends Whiteley Primary school. Growing up in Whiteley I have seen the school grow and deliver some fantastic achievements. I am passionate about the local area and the potential of the parents and children who live here, I use my business and leadership skills in my role as a governor to maximise that potential. For a day job, I am a Branch Manager for Waitrose, running my own business unit and managing complex teams gives me a unique skill set which I can use to add value in my role as a governor.

Carla Jefferson





Co-opted Governor

Term From: 21 October 2020

Term To:      20 October 2024


Governing Body Chair

Resources Committee

Community Governor

I am delighted to have been elected as the school’s Chair of Governors and  I have been part of the governing body since Oct 2020

I live with my husband and two amazing boys who both attend Whiteley Primary. Having experience first hand the outstanding support the school have given my family in the past 5 years, I wanted to join the governing body and give something back with my experience in financial services and digital transformation. When I’m am not working I enjoy walking, ferrying the kids about to clubs, and supporting my husbands Professional Elvis Tribute show.

As a parent of WPS myself, I am very passionate about the continued success of the school and excited to be part of its bright future.

Matt McDonnell

Co-opted Governor

Term From: 10 February 2021

Term To:       9 February 2025


Resources Committee

Resources Committee Vice Chair

Premises Governor

I have lived in Whiteley for twelve years. I currently live with my partner Grace and two daughters Lucy and Sophie.

Lucy has finished her time at WPS and is currently in year eight at Henry Cort and Sophie is still loving life at WPS in year three.

I serve on the resources governing committee and am the vice chair.

My responsibilities are to look after the premises and health & safety aspects of school life, ensuring that the children, staff and visitors can all operate in a safe and secure environment. I work closely with the site manager and his team and meet regularly with the headteacher.

When I am not doing governor tasks I enjoy keeping my passion for keeping people safe alive by working for the UKs largest DIY retailer as a H&S manager and volunteering as chief pitlane marshal at Thruxton motor racing circuit near Andover.

Please let me know if you have any queries or questions that I can help with!

Sean Pack









Co-opted Governor

Term From:  25 May 2022

Term To:       24 May 2026


Finance Committee

I have lived in Whiteley since 2007 with my wife and two boys and they both attend Whiteley Primary School. I have always been impressed with the teaching staff and facilities at Whiteley so when the opportunity to become a co-opted governor in 2022 in the finance committee came up I thought I would give it a go and try and give something back to the school. I’m hoping that my experience as an accountant will give me the opportunity to add some value to the role.

Jo Parks

Co-opted Governor

Term From:

Term To:


Curriculum Committee, Year 1 Link Governor

I joined the Whiteley Primary School Governors when I was elected as a Parent Governor in September 2022.  I have lived in Whiteley since 2012 and my son is currently in Year R.  I wanted to become part of the WPS governing body as I am a former Year R teacher and have always had an interest and passion for the education and welfare of children. I have been aware of the fantastic reputation that the school has for many years and wanted to help be part of supporting the continuing development and delivery of high quality education for our children.  Whiteley Primary School has such a positive and supportive ethos for the children and I look forward to being able to be part of this team and seeing how the children thrive and learn over the coming years.

Heidi Podd

Parent Governor

Term From:  29/04/2024

Term To:       28/04/2028

I am honoured to serve as a governor for Whiteley Primary School, bringing with me over 15 years of experience in both further and higher education. As a parent of children attending the school, I am deeply committed to ensuring that all students receive the best possible education and support to help them excel. I am passionate about working collaboratively with fellow governors, parents, and staff to support the school’s mission and vision, making decisions that will positively impact the academic and personal development of our students. I strive to advocate for the needs of the school community, promote a safe and inclusive learning environment, and contribute to the continuous improvement of our educational programs.

Lesley Pennington







Resources Committee

Curriculum Committee

I became a staff governor at Whiteley many years ago, as I wanted to have a better insight into how the school was run. Since my appointment as Deputy Headteacher in 2003, and subsequent appointment as Headteacher in 2011, I have come to greatly value the contribution of governors to our school and I realise how fortunate we are to have such active governors at Whiteley Primary School who are well-equipped to support and challenge the staff in their strategic role.  My daughter, Emily, was born in 2008 and she helps me to keep a work-life balance – especially as I am starting to realise that I am no longer just a mum to her, but also her taxi driver! When I do get some spare time, I like nothing better than to indulge my love for singing, although I have also discovered a ‘tolerance’ of running and enjoy an occasional park run to prove to myself that I can manage 5K.

Ben Robertson







Local Authority Governor

Term From: 18 July 2018

Term To:      17 July 2026


Resources Committee

IT Link Governor

Our family of three moved to Whiteley from Southampton in 2016, and have since expanded to four, with both children now at Whiteley Primary. I became a Governor in 2018 by responding to a request from our local Councillor on Facebook, looking for someone with IT knowledge to join the team. I’ve worked in IT since the early 2000s for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (based overseas), the NHS, Southampton City Council and private companies across Hampshire. As the LA-appointed Governor I work closely with the school to ensure the IT budget is spent effectively. I have found Governing to be hugely rewarding, and enjoy helping out with school events as well as fulfilling my role as IT Link Governor.

Claire Salmon






Co-opted Governor

Term From: 19 July 2018

Term To:      6 September 2026


Curriculum Committee

SEND/Inclusion Governor with Pupil Premium

I was really keen to join the governing body in 2017. I have always had a passion for education and life long learning so following the completion of my Science degree with the Open University, I had time and enthusiasm to dedicate to the role.

Having previously worked in a primary school, I had an understanding of the commitment required and felt this would be a great opportunity to utilise some of my more professional skills alongside my current day job as a mum before possibly pursuing a career in teaching in the future.

It has been great to be more involved with our excellent local school and I now have a better understanding of how the school operates and how it encourages all pupils to achieve their very best. My daughter is thriving at the school and hopefully my son will start later this year.

Susan Ward MBE

Co-opted Governor

Term From: 27 March 2024

Term To:     26 March 2028


Curriculum Committee

I have been involved with and impressed by Whiteley Primary School for around ten years now having originally worked supporting my granddaughter in school towards her reading awards and now having a grandson in Year 4. I find him highly motivated, happy, and achieving in the same way that his sister did.

I was therefore delighted to join the governing body this Spring 2024 and become the link governor for Year 3 and a member of the Curriculum Group.

Originally physical education and health teacher trained I completed a three-year short service commission with the WRAC before moving into further education where I developed a strong expertise in the support of students with learning difficulties and disabilities with a particular focus on those who suffer episodes of mental ill health and poor wellbeing.

Some fifteen years ago there was an overwhelming need to innovate and effect changes in these areas. How wonderful that health and wellbeing, resilience and all that encompasses have now become everyday words.

I have experience as both a governor in further education and as a trustee of a residential school for pupils and young adults with profound and multiple learning difficulties.

An MBE was awarded in the Queen’s Birthday Honours’ 2014 for ‘services to further education and young people with mental health conditions.’


Louise Frampton is our Clerk to the Governing Body