Whiteley Primary School
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School Tour
Thank you for your interest in Whiteley Primary School. On this page, you can explore a 360 virtual tour of our school building. You can use the ‘plan’ view to go straight to the part of the school you are most interested in, or follow the ‘hotspots’ through the school for full ‘tour’. We would also encourage prospective parents to view our welcome video here which will help you to understand more about our school.
If you already live in Whiteley or the surrounding areas, or are moving nearby soon, and you have a child of primary age, an in-person tour of our school can be arranged with a member of the school leadership team. Please contact the school office to arrange an appointment.
During the Autumn term, group tours are arranged for parents of children due to start school for the first time in the following September. These tours are advertised via our website and Facebook page and can be booked by contacting the school office. Families of children due to start school who move into the area after the January application date may contact the school for an individual tour during the Spring and Summer terms.